Information on Allergies

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Frequently asked questions and information on allergies

Allergies are so common that we hear people during all seasons saying "it's just allergies." Unfortunately, this really downplays the impact that allergies can have on your life. An allergy is your immune system saying that your body doesn't like something. It recognizes whatever is irritating you as foreign and needing to be fought off. This can be really annoying if it's something common like grass or ragweed but it can be deadly if it's a response to a stinging insect or peanuts. It's helpful to figure out what you're allergic to so that we can consider treatment options and make your body less reactive to the stimulus. Imagine what life would be like without itchy eyes and those annoying sneezes! Being able to breathe should be a right, not a luxury.

  • How do I know if I'm allergic?

    Sometimes it's obvious, like if you sneeze when a cat sits in your lap. Sometimes it's more subtle, like sneezing during pollen season for a particular plant. Some people have it more complicated, like when they're allergic to several things at once. Whatever the case, testing and treatment can go a long way in ensuring you don't have to deal with annoying or potentially deadly symptoms.

  • How and when should allergies be treated?

    Generally, the earlier the better. Knowing you're allergic can go a long way in preventing chronic infections and sometimes even asthma attacks. Not all asthma is due to allergy but very often asthma management involves controlling allergic responses. Asthma and Allergy are both inflammatory responses by a body that feels it is under threat. They can interact and make asthma worse. You may also notice getting sick more often during your allergic season. Chronic sinus infections can be due to allergies. Ultimately, a sinus infection involves excess mucous in the body, which is actually dead white blood cells from fighting off an allergic response! Chronic sinus infections can also be involved in making your asthma worse. Treating the source of the problem (allergies) instead of the symptoms (sinus infections, hives, asthma) can make you more comfortable overall.

    Allergies in children can be particularly troublesome. Imagine wanting to play with your friends and feeling terrible, or even worse, being unable to breathe. Allergies often first show up in children as skin problems such as eczema or itchy rashes. This often goes ignored or simply treated with Benadryl without further investigation. Sneezing, coughing, and sinus infections can also go missed simply because "children just get sick. They're building their immunity." If a child is asthmatic, their asthma may be made worse by allergies or chronic infections. If they're missing social events, feeling puny more often than not, can't breathe, are having chronic skin or sinus problems, or are missing a lot of school, we may be able to help.

  • Can you cure my allergies?

    There is no "cure" for allergies but there are ways to minimize their impact. It may be as simple as avoiding specific allergens once you're aware of them. Medication and immunotherapy (allergy shots) may be an option for allergens that are less easily avoided. Immunotherapy introduces just a little bit of an allergen to your body to make it less sensitive in noticing it. This is done several times until your body is desensitized and no longer has a response.

    My doctor says they can handle my allergies. When do I need a specialist?

    Patients often seek out a specialist once their symptoms are recognized as more serious than originally thought. If you're miserable and allergies are seriously impacting your life it may be time to consider a specialist.

    You may also consider a specialist if you're being treated with steroids for more than one week, or have needed more than two treatments with steroids per year. This often signals an underlying issue.

    If you have nasal polyps, are noticing chronic sinus or lung infections, or have asthma that you feel isn't being controlled, it may be time to see us!

    Dr. McConnell is a board certified specialist. He has years of advanced training in the areas of allergy and sinus and lung disease. Very often these problems are an interaction of multiple problems working together to make you miserable. Dr. McConnell can help you sort out what's happening and find some relief.

  • Can you cure allergies?

    My Dr. says he can...

  • When do I need to see a specialist?

    My Dr. says he can...

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